Tax Center

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Your taxes, simplified.

Let us show you how to file taxes quicker and easier, and answer your most-asked tax filing questions. What you need to know and have on-hand before you start filing taxes.

How to file taxes

What you need to know and have on-hand before you start filing taxes.
  • Going paperless: The how and why of e-filing
  • Determine my filing status?
  • Pay my tax bill in installments?
  • The better way to get your refund
  • Other frequently asked questions
  • Refunds, missed deadlines and more: answers to your questions after filing taxes.
  • Stocks, IRAs and other investments
  • Start filing online?
  • What's considered income on your return?
The Wealthtriatrustfund Tax Center and all information provided here are intended as a convenient source of tax information. This information is general in nature, is not complete, and may not apply to your specific situation. You should consult your own tax advisor regarding your tax needs.
Wealthtriatrustfund makes no warranties and is not responsible for your use of this information or for any errors or inaccuracies resulting from your use.